27 August 2009


Hey campers! 

Counting down to the Change Your World camp? =) Believe it or not it's this weekend! 
Below are the important things to note:

1. Please be at Eaglepoint by 8am!

2. What to pack?
Sneakers / Shoes
Torch Light (optional)
Bible / Pen 
Jacket (air con hall)
A expectant and prepared heart, spirit and mind for CHANGE!

3. There will NO SNL this SAT. For those not attending the camp, you can attend the 5pm service or English Service at 11.15am on Sunday. 

See you soon! Please feel free to call any  of the leaders if you have any questions! 

19 August 2009

Think Friday, Think Life Club

Hey you,

Hope you are still excited about the semester. It's Friday again and Life Club is happening at Campus, Desaria and Cyberia. Yay!

For LIFE CLUB CAMPUS, we are continuing our CHANGE series, so pls remember to bring your 'World Map', and be inspired to make a difference in the world around you. We meet at Class 58, beside Class 57.

LIFE CLUB DESARIA will be doing STRESS & MONEY MANAGEMENT this week! Indeed, it will be stressful if you run out of money faster than you can say 'where did it go'? So come and learn simple tips to guide you to a better campus life.

LIFE CLUB CYBERIA will be having PRAYER DRIVE this week. Prayers can move the hand of God. Join us as we tap into the supernatural power to see miracles happen.

Hope to see you there! Your life counts!

If you have any questions, pls feel free to contact the respective leaders.

16 August 2009

Change Starts With You

If you look around, you'll notice that a lot of people are in pain. Hopelessness, Abused, Lonely, Hurting, Poor, Depressed, Afraid, Traumatised, Angry, Worried, Threatened, Discriminated.

Are you waiting for the world to change? Why wait? Why not let change start with you?
Check out http://www.changeyourworld.com.my/.

A very exciting event happening at the end of this month:

29-31 Aug 2009


Good News: We decided to be gracious and maintain the fee so, It's only RM 180!!!
This is your last chance to register! So pls contact your respective Life Club leaders immediately!

12 August 2009


Hey Welcome back to all students - freshies and seniors!

This is a fresh start to make things happen, to make a change, this semester! Life Club welcomes you to join us this FRIDAY for an exciting time.

Life Club is happening at Friday at all the four locations and time as stated above. 

LIFE CLUB CAMPUS is doing a series called CHANGE. Change is when something is transformed, when something is not what it originally was (that's my definition, haha). Come and seek to make a difference in your campus life. 

LIFE CLUB DESARIA is equipping you with tips on FINANCE & TIME MANAGEMENT. As the semester starts, this is the gathering you would not want to miss. 

LIFE CLUB CYBERIA will have a heart-warming sharing on DISCIPLESHIP. Are you a mere convert or a disciple? What makes a disciple? 

Hope to see you there! For more info or any queries, pls feel free to contact us!