31 August 2010

CYW Bus Schedule



Bus pick-ups will be at these places, Pls note the time and be there 5 mins before time.

4.00pm - Cyberia
4.20pm - Desaria
4.40pm - Milliennium

Remember to bring your friends and of course your PASSES!!!

25 August 2010

CYW Quest Limkokwing

Many thanks to Ms. Amanda, Mr. Aaron and Alice who helped us rally the students to attend this CYW Quest and even let us use the Branding Gallery. =)

"Who wants to make a difference?"

" Girl: I think I can change the world.
Guy in the centre: Uh, seriously, are you sure?
Guy on the right: I think she's just kidding."
*im just kidding ok, u can make a difference.*

"Okay, ppl listen up, this is what you gotta do."

"What's wrong with the world, ya'll?
Where's the love ma fren?"

" I can make a difference by smiling."

Smiles start with one. Everyone else followed.

Watching very serious stuff.

"Graphic Design students, pls dont put Limkokwing to shame!"

"Cmon la, how hard can it be to just talk about bringing change?"

"Wah 4 layers!"

"It's free?? I want!"

"To show that I'm serious, I writing my name, my phone number, my passport number, my ID number, my bank account, and my signature."

24 August 2010

CYW - Relent Band Foodbank Call

For the original link, go here.

18 August 2010

Get Your Passes for CYW Tour NOW!!!

Hey Limkokwingers,

You can get your passes for the Tour at RM 20 (for now only!) from:

Mr. Aaron Lam (FDI) - Wed, Thurs
Tham (012 3288 323) - Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs

RM 20 is the price of the pass, that comes with a Free CD that is worth RM 29.90,
an awesome and energetic concert, inspiring and challenging messages, and opportunities to make a difference in your city, KL/Selangor.

The sense of purpose and feeling of fulfillment you are going to receive is gonna be way more than the RM20 you paid. It's priceless!

There are something in life you need to say YES to: This is it!

See you there,
4th Sept, Sunway Convention Centre, 6pm.

17 August 2010

This is why we do Change Your World

A Story of Hope:
Nelly, a domestic worker, age 30

What is hope to you?
Hope is something that makes me go on living. Hope gives me strength to cling on to and I can look forward to the future. Last year I lost all hope of going back to my home country Indonesia, of seeing my loved ones again. My wages for 5 years were not paid, I was forced to swim to a boat and I nearly drowned. Some kind soul rescued me and encouraged me to look to God. I was so despairing I wished I had died at sea. Slowly with help, I regained hope that I can see my children again. Thinking of them and my aged mother helped me to build up hope again. You asked me what is hope to me, hope is LIFE to me... it saved me from total despair.

What do you hope for?
I hope to see my 2 children again (ages 10,12). I was not allowed to contact them for 5 years when I was working with my last employer. Now I can call them off and on, but I would really love to see them face to face and how they have grown. I hope that my children will grow up well and be properly educated and later to find good jobs. I also hope to see my aged mother again, she has not been well.

What would you do to achieve that hope?
My employer is refusing to pay me the 5 years wages they owe me, so Tenaganita is helping me to bring my case to the authorities. However I am earning some money here, so I will save what I can to send home for my children's food and education and to help rebuild our house that was partly destroyed by the recent earthquake. I also get to call my family off and on, so my hope is still alive. I thank God that there are people here who reminds me that there is always HOPE!

CHANGE YOUR WORLD supports Tenaganita in all its efforts to assist people like Nelly. There is a story of 'hope' for every lost and wandering soul, every hurting person, treated unfairly and ridiculed. WILL YOU BE A KIND SOUL AND RESCUE SOMEONE AND BRING THEM HOPE?

CHANGE YOUR WORLD TOUR, KL, takes place on September 4th @ Sunway Convention Cetner, time: 6-10pm. Passes are Available @ RM20.

Contact any of the leaders above.

16 August 2010

I am Change

For a HD version, click here.

Be the change you want to see in the world, check out this poster for Change Your World Tour.

14 August 2010

CYW Quest 1 at Desaria

We had a great time at Desaria doing CYW Quest 1 last week.
Cant wait for Quest 2.

*Change Your World Quest is a one hour activity filled with interactive games, thoughtful discussions and inspiring videos. Its aim is to create a fun and non-threatening environment to spur the Millenials to want change.*

People were moved and inspired, more than that, challenged to make a difference.
It was really encouraging to see young people responding to the call to make a difference, at the end. Esp Mel Raj, Clara, Eunice Alexander, Helen & Vicky!

That's our Desaria 'champion' Michael and his friends.

That's Chris connecting with Helen and Martin. Thanks Chris for technical support!

Woo-hoo, Bernard conducting the CYW Quest!

Joel T, who brought his friend Dickson (and friends), debating away! I think he was in the advocate team.

The 3 resistance to Change: Complacency, Fear & Ignorance. Do you remember what's the anti-dote?! =) (It's Compassion, Courage & Awareness)

That's the future world changers responding to the call to make a difference!

Bernard explaining what to do. That's Helen and Mel Raj reading intensely!

Yay, Clara bought passes to the Tour already! Bring summore friends!

Next CYW Quest 2: 25 Aug, Wed, 8pm. See you there!

13 August 2010


True Stories

Panida*, a 14-year-old girl from rural Northern Thailand, had just finished her 8th grade studies and hoped to spend her summer break earning some extra money. Panida thought that the potential earning from a summer job could bring her family some stability. Her family needed the funds badly: Her father had died and her mother was stricken with AIDS. When a local man approached her offering a wellpaying job that would last four months, she accepted. However, the man’s intentions were never to give her a job: He instead took Panida through a border checkpoint into Malaysia, where he sold her to a local brothel owner.

The brothel owner told Panida that he had paid an enormous sum for her, and that she must reimburse him by selling her body to the brothel’s many customers. She was told that she would have to service five to 10 customers a night and that if she failed to meet her quota or refused customers, she would be beaten and abused.

Panida was locked in her new living quarters – a house crowded with other trafficking victims, secured by guards, barred windows and doors that locked from the outside. Terrified, Panida awaited her first rape...

Many more TRUE STORIES like this...


YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE and help a young girl like Panida!

07 August 2010

A few in One


It's the start of the semester again. Okay I know I'm a bit late, school has started. =p
But you still have 14 weeks to go!!!

Just want to encourage you to plan ahead and make a decision that you want this semester to be fruitful, and have no regrets at Week 15!

And yes a big WELCOME to the Sem ONE Students! Esp those who came to our FRESHIE PARTY in DESARIA two weeks ago, YAY!!! We really want to see you again!

And last but not least, CHANGE YOUR WORLD QUEST is starting soon, real soon!
Pls keep checking the blog to stay posted on what's happening!


Oh wait, and our Life Club email address is lifeclubmail@gmail.com, so drop us a line, ask us stuff and share your life with us! Looking forward to receiving mails in the inbox, but no spam pls! =)

Alright, the next post is coming up real soon!
