14 August 2010

CYW Quest 1 at Desaria

We had a great time at Desaria doing CYW Quest 1 last week.
Cant wait for Quest 2.

*Change Your World Quest is a one hour activity filled with interactive games, thoughtful discussions and inspiring videos. Its aim is to create a fun and non-threatening environment to spur the Millenials to want change.*

People were moved and inspired, more than that, challenged to make a difference.
It was really encouraging to see young people responding to the call to make a difference, at the end. Esp Mel Raj, Clara, Eunice Alexander, Helen & Vicky!

That's our Desaria 'champion' Michael and his friends.

That's Chris connecting with Helen and Martin. Thanks Chris for technical support!

Woo-hoo, Bernard conducting the CYW Quest!

Joel T, who brought his friend Dickson (and friends), debating away! I think he was in the advocate team.

The 3 resistance to Change: Complacency, Fear & Ignorance. Do you remember what's the anti-dote?! =) (It's Compassion, Courage & Awareness)

That's the future world changers responding to the call to make a difference!

Bernard explaining what to do. That's Helen and Mel Raj reading intensely!

Yay, Clara bought passes to the Tour already! Bring summore friends!

Next CYW Quest 2: 25 Aug, Wed, 8pm. See you there!

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